Met up with ashley at white sands to make her ez link card after choir (which wasn't needed cause we're gonna have a new card in JC. so I didn't make mine either), spent 7 freaking bucks on pasarmalam food and 1.75 at the food court. Then we left whitesands because its so boring it makes you pee non-stop.
Next stop: VIVO CITY!!!!!!! The last time I went there was a million years ago! (6 days ago). LOLSAI. Nah, but I didn't go shopping the other time, so yay! (only stepped foot into subway and vivomart o_O)
First stop was forever 21 to find ashley's DESTINED clutch or sth like that. I found my DESTINED forever 21 shorts but damn, its so short that you won't know I'm wearing pants at all. Colour, cutting, price = all very pretty. ): Have to wait for another chance... We left the shop feeling disappointed, both of us were emptyhanded D:
Then it was ZARA. Come on people, i need 199 bucks to make me tall!
The smiley faces says it all, I'm almost as tall as ashley leong! (pardon the oversized choir jacket)
FYI she's one of the taller females I know. (besides Terie and Yingzhi and Leona) I enjoyed every single moment of talking to her at the same eye level ):
No operations, no nothing, ain't that great! I just need 99 people to donate 2 bucks to me ^_^, I'll fork out the remaining 1 buck on my own ~ :D Yeah its the shoes, there's a nicer pair in black which is not open toed! Problem is, I almost got foot cramps after wearing that gay thing with heels as THICK as a bunch of 5 toothpicks wth -__-
then we walked around some more and entered thirtysevendegrees. Ashley bought her bag there and we saw pretttyy pencilcases. Spent 20 minutes trying to decide which to buy and left the shop eventually. I thought I'd have less trouble being indecisive if I were given more time to think while walking around -__-
She filled in a job application form at toysr'us, and next was a trip to diva to get our lovely bracelets! :D
I'm in love with her pretty daisy O:
Arrived at the top part of vivo (whatever you call it) and asked a china tourist to take a photo for us LOL
awww, I look like I'm in an oversized shirt.
oh wait, I AM! Its the OVERSIZED choir tee which I was too lazy to lug around so it ended up on myself. Yes, I left it at the choir room for ages. It smells like gummy bear now ^_^
the person asked me to take a photo for him also. NOT WITH ME INSIDE LA, take a picture FOR them. yup. The water in the wading pool's very warm :)
Then to DAISO!!! Where ashley felt super bored and exclaimed: "how can you even like this place?!" Left the place in no time (scanned the whole place once, of course ^_^) and spent only 6 bucks (3 items)
fast forward back to thirtysevendegrees, where I spent many many many minutes trying to decide which to buy. You'll see it later, seems pretty familar, doesn't it?
I'll skip the CHINATOWN PART (the main adventure) because I have to bathe and its 12:33am.
we took a picture of our loot at chinatown macs:
The stuff from daiso: Odango glutinous powder, red bean paste, and a comb.
From thirty seven degrees: two pencil cases (one each) and ashley's PRETTY bag.
and of course, our beloved bracelets ^_^
MISTER TOBLERONE MAN GAVE US FREE CHOCOLATES :D (its at harbour front mrt station)
I missed my starbucks free drink thingy yesterday! ): At least there's something free today....
Oh, somebody at Tampines MRT station started giving out free soyjoy bars too! Heard they're quite expensive, hmm. Tastes very....healthy. (Y)
I also died from boredom yesterday and decided to make agar agar!
Bought agar agar strips from the market (went with my mom) the other day, but couldn't find any recipes using the agar agar STRIPS, most use the powder now.
So I used my agaration skills, boiled the strips in water, added sugar and grapes and left them to cool. Turned out rather hard, but still edible :D
我是煮甜品的天才! My foot :p
I've a freaking throbbing headache now, GOODNIGHT.
seeyou tomorrow.
sorry for the random post.
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